Digital Deepak Ghorpade

Facebook Ads Expert in Mumbai: Get Results-Driven Ads

I know that running Facebook Ads can be a pain. You have to target the right audience, create compelling ads, and set a budget that works for you. And even if you do all that right, there’s no guarantee that your ads will be successful.

That’s where I come in as a Facebook Ads Expert. I’ll help you create and manage Facebook Ads campaigns that are proven to get results. 

Stop Scrolling, Start Converting!

In a world flooded with content, your business deserves to stand out. Say goodbye to the noise and hello to a strategic approach that transforms social media into your most potent sales channel.

What I Bring to the Table

Precision Targeting

  • Reach the Right Audience
  • Pinpoint Demographics, Interests, and Behaviors

Compelling Ad Creatives

  • Scroll-Stopping Visuals
  • Captivating Copy that Commands Attention

Adaptability in Action

  • Constant Optimization for Peak Performance
  • Real-time Adjustments Based on Analytics

Return on Ad Spend Magic

Achieving optimal campaign performance is an ongoing process. I implement A/B testing methodologies to refine and optimize your ads continually. 

Analysis and Optimization

As your Google Ads expert in Mumbai, I don’t just set and forget. Regular performance analysis is a cornerstone of my services. I closely monitor key metrics, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategic optimizations to enhance your campaign’s effectiveness over time.

This is for you if

  • Online advertising on Google seems like a complex puzzle.
  • You struggle with creating effective ad campaigns that drive results.
  • Understanding keywords, bidding, and ad placements feels overwhelming.
  • You want to harness the power of Google Ads to boost your business but don’t know where to start.
  • Managing and optimizing your Google Ads account is eating up too much of your valuable time.

My Step-by-Step Google Ads Process

I believe in a strategic and collaborative approach to maximize the impact of your Google Ads campaigns. As the premier Google Ads expert in Mumbai, My process is designed to deliver tailored solutions that align with your business goals. Here’s an overview of how I work:

Are You Ready To Take Your Online Presence
To The Next Level?


Facebook Ads Packages


  • Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • Maximum 1 campaign
  • Cover & Profile Pic Creation
  • Page Optimization
  • Business Manager Set Up
  • Brand Awareness Campaign
  • Reach Campaigns
  • Traffic Campaigns
  • Video Views Campaign
  • Lead Generation Campaign
  • Catalogue Sales Campaign
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Store Visit Campaign
  • Custom Audience Targeting
  • Look like audience targeting
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Ad Creative ( Single Image / Carousel / Video) one set per campaign*
  • Creative design for campaign
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Facebook pixel
  • Event tracking
  • Landing Page Creation ( 1 per campaign )
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Remarketing Ads
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Performance report


  • Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • Maximum 2 campaign
  • Cover & Profile Pic Creation
  • Page Optimization
  • Business Manager Set Up
  • Brand Awareness Campaign
  • Reach Campaigns
  • Traffic Campaigns
  • Video Views Campaign
  • Lead Generation Campaign
  • Catalogue Sales Campaign
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Store Visit Campaign
  • Custom Audience Targeting
  • Look like audience targeting
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Ad Creative ( Single Image / Carousel / Video) one set per campaign*
  • Creative design for campaign
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Facebook pixel
  • Event tracking
  • Landing Page Creation ( 1 per campaign )
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Remarketing Ads
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Performance report


  • Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • Maximum 3 campaign
  • Cover & Profile Pic Creation
  • Page Optimization
  • Business Manager Set Up
  • Brand Awareness Campaign
  • Reach Campaigns
  • Traffic Campaigns
  • Video Views Campaign
  • Lead Generation Campaign
  • Catalogue Sales Campaign
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Store Visit Campaign
  • Custom Audience Targeting
  • Look like audience targeting
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Ad Creative ( Single Image / Carousel / Video) one set per campaign*
  • Creative design for campaign
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Facebook pixel
  • Event tracking
  • Landing Page Creation ( 1 per campaign )
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Remarketing Ads
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Performance report

Ready to Elevate Your Business with Facebook Ads?

Ready to harness the power of Google Ads for your Mumbai-based business? Let’s embark on this journey together. Contact me today for a Free consultation, and let’s amplify your online presence.


In the digital battleground, Google Ads is your ultimate weapon. It’s not just about visibility; it’s about conquering the attention of your target audience. Imagine your business soaring high on Google – every click, a step towards success!

Think of Google Ads as your 24/7 virtual salesperson, tirelessly promoting your business to potential customers. From reaching the right audience to boosting brand awareness, it’s the key to unlocking your business’s full potential.

Absolutely! Imagine each click as an investment in your business’s future. I don’t just manage ads; I sculpt campaigns that are ROI-driven. Get ready to witness not just clicks, but conversions that redefine success.

Buckle up for a rapid ascent! Unlike traditional marketing, Google Ads delivers swift results. With my expertise, your business will be making waves online in no time. Fasten your seatbelt; success is just a click away!

Tailored like a bespoke suit! I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Your business is unique, and so should be its strategy. Expect a customized approach that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.

Think of it as an investment, not an expense. My services are crafted to fit your budgets without compromising on excellence. Get ready for a journey where every penny invested reaps rewards beyond imagination.